365 Days in Photos

I'm going to try to put a photo up here each day for a whole year.

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 28, 2010 (Day 89)

Theme: Carving

We aren't doing a Jack O' Lantern this year, and we have no nice carved stuff around the house, so I just took a picture of this carving knife. Not very exciting, but there it is.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 27, 2010 (Day 88)

Theme: Shopping

Mark bought these gloves on Tuesday when the blizzard blew in. They turned out to be not that warm, but they are cool-looking.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 26, 2010 (Day 87)

Theme: Knives

These are our fancy schmancy knife blocks. We finally got the knives unpacked and set up so I could take this picture.

October 25, 2010 (Day 86)

Theme: Statue

It's not really the theme, but this tower thingy caught my eye while I was waiting for the bus today after work. I think it looks really cool.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 24, 2010 (Day 85)

Theme: Hats

This is my silly husband Mark wearing his favourite hat. He used to wear it when he would busk at the farmer's market in Kamloops 'cause it made people smile.

October 23, 2010 (Day 84)

Theme: Organization

A couple of days ago, I spent some time going through our change box and rolling the pennies, nickels, and dimes. It was a disaster, especially after going through the move, with loose change all over inside the box. This is what it looks like now.

October 22, 2010 (Day 83)

Theme: Favourite cookie

I don't really have one favourite cookie, but this is one of the top ones: Ginger snaps. Mmm.

Friday, October 22, 2010

October 21, 2010 (Day 82)

Theme: Spirit

I really should be posting a picture of people dressed up to go to a Rough Riders game, but there's no game today and I didn't take any pictures last Sunday. Reginaites definitely have team spirit for the Rough Riders football team.

Anyway, I decided to post this photo I took of a church in the Qu'Appelle Valley. It's a very pretty place near Regina and I thought this church was especially nice. As to how it fits the theme, well the Holy Spirit, of course!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 20, 2010 (Day 81)

Today's theme is halloween costumes, but I don't have one nor does Mark.
So I took a picture of this cool old house today. I don't know if you can read the sign, but it's a computer repair shop. I thought that was a little incongruous, but very cool.
A lot of old houses in Regina have been turned into businesses (it was like that in Kamloops too).

October 19, 2010 (Day 80)

Theme: My bedroom

I posted this picture already, but I'm lazy and trying to catch up, so I'm cheating.
And, unfortunately, our bedroom doesn't look like this anymore as we haven't made the bed. lol

October 18, 2010 (Day 79)

Theme: Favourite cereal

I guess my favourite is Shreddies, but we don't have any right now, so I just took a picture of all the cereals in the pantry. Actually, Life is similar to Shreddies...

October 17, 2010 (Day 78)

Theme: Favourite accessory

Right now, these boots are my favourite accessory as they are quite comfortable to walk in and they're cute. I probably won't be able to wear them in the snow, though.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 16, 2010 (Day 77)

Theme: Halloween Themed Food

Mark went to a Halloween thing last night here in Regina called "The Zombie Walk." It was a fundraiser for the local food bank, and the participants dressed up as zombies and paraded down the streets of Regina, then watched some zombie movies.
I didn't go because I'm really not into zombie movies. Mark brought me back takeout for supper, but I'd already had tuna helper, so it's still in the fridge. Here's the takeout container with Mark's notes on it:

Friday, October 15, 2010

October 15, 2010 (Day 76)

Theme: Spices

Well okay, it's a stretch, but I think Mark looks rather spicy in his security guard license pic. lol

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 14, 2010 (Day 75)

Theme: Pink

It's more red in colour, but Mark is "in the pink" with his new Samsung touch screen phone. It's not a smartphone so we don't have to pay for a data plan, but it has WiFi connectivity so he can go on Facebook for free wherever there's a wireless internet connection.
Now he won't bug me to use the computer so much! lol

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13, 2010 (Day 74)

Theme: Someone playing in the leaves

Here's Mark kicking leaves behind his parents' place. I told him I had to take a picture of someone playing in leaves and he immediately started dancing around. He's awesome.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010 (Day 73)

Theme: Danger
Not really doing the theme...

This is our new bedroom: currently the only room in our suite that isn't in chaos.

When we moved into our new place, the bed was against the wall as in the diagram below.
The blue rectangle is the bed, the red is a baseboard heater - ignore the black.
As you can see, there is nowhere to put anything as we cannot block the heater.

We moved the bed as seen below so we can get around both sides of it for ease in putting sheets on and getting in and out of it. We also now have room for a dresser and bedside tables.

Monday, October 11, 2010

October 11, 2010 (Day 72)

Today's theme: Pumpkins
Not doing the theme

Mark's parents drove us out the Qu'Appelle Valley just outside of Regina today. It's a beautiful place where the river cut down through the prairie and it looks just like anything around Kamloops. For those friends and family back in BC: see? Saskatchewan isn't all flat!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 10, 2010 (Day 71)


We haven't unpacked most of our stuff yet, which includes the desk chair. I'm stuck sitting in this horrible folding lawn chair thing to use the computer.
Oh, and that's our tv and Xbox 360 on the floor.

October 9, 2010 (Day 70)

Theme: Red

I don't know if you can really see it in this pic, but I got a sunburn.
In October.
In Saskatchewan.
Everyone in BC told us it would be so cold here, that we'd be lucky if it didn't snow before we arrived. It's been August-like temperatures all week. :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

October 8, 2010 (Day 69)

Theme: Flames

Not really doing the theme...
Found this little fake bonsai at the Asian restaurant near our new place.
Fake bonsai.

October 7, 2010 (Day 68)

Today's theme: Scary places

Maybe this is like an opposite theme? Here's a shot of our new backyard. Isn't it pretty?

October 6, 2010 (Day 67)

Today's theme: Pumpkins

Ignoring the theme yet again. LOL
Mark did an excellent job of parallel parking the Uhaul - except that there was a tree hanging rather low over the parking spot. The truck did a little bit of unexpected pruning.

October 5, 2010 (Day 66)

Today's theme: Spiders

I'm not doing the theme again. Instead, I took a picture of the yummy 7-Eleven hotdog I ate on the trip. It's got cheese, mustard, mayo, pickles, and fresh tomatoes. Mmmmmm.

October 4, 2010 (Day 65)

Today's theme: Thermostat
But I'm going with yesterday's theme of horror.
We went to Denny's for breakfast this morning with Jackie and my brother-in-law Keith (we're giving him our car in order to avoid the charges incurred by bringing an older car into another province.) When Jackie went to pay for her breakfast with her Debit card, the server made a rather large mistake entering the amount. She didn't have to pay this of course; it was quickly fixed, but she kept the receipt for a laugh.

October 3, 2010 (Day 64)

Today's theme: Horror (but I'll do that tomorrow)

Our church has a 'Soup and Sandwich' luncheon after the service once a month, and today was the day. And, because it was our last day in BC, they had a cake for us.
Isn't it sweet?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 2, 2010 (Day 63)

Theme: Something New
We went to a friend's wedding today and, while we were all dressed up, I got my brother to take this photo of of the three of us (Jackie, me, and Mark). We've been an almost inseparable trio for the years I've lived in Kamloops. Mark introduced me to Jackie about five years ago and we've been friends ever since.
I had to buy a new dress for the wedding since most of my clothes are packed away in boxes somewhere in the belly of the Uhaul truck. So there's the theme. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

October 1, 2010 (Day 62)

It's my friend Tamara's 30th birthday. We went to Kelly O'Brien's and she got a free birthday meal and we got to meet her new boyfriend Cliff (that's how I snuck in the 'something new' theme.)

September 30, 2010 (Day 61)

We spent the whole day loading the truck with all of our worldly possessions. Now we're staying with our friend Jackie until we leave town on Monday October 4. Since today's theme is 'Something Borrowed,' I took a picture of the pullout couch bed we're borrowing for the weekend.