I've been so sick lately. Stuffed up sinuses, ears plugged up so bad I can hardly hear, and then PMS on top of all that. It's been frustrating and miserable. So the other day, Mark hands me this little box. He's got this big grin on his face, and he's trying to act all mysterious. Problem is, I know him too well, and I can tell he's building up to some kind of joke.
It was snowing and melting this week, so it almost looked like it was raining.
I found these on the side of the road while walking home from work. It looks like someone dumped a whole truckload of Christmas trees. There were more than what I got in the photo.
We went to Arby's in the east end for supper one night. It's a very nice restaurant, for fast food.
Spring is definitely here. The snow is melting like crazy every day, then freezing over every night. It makes for some dangerous conditions: slick ice in the mornings and deep puddles and slush on the side roads in the afternoon. It's a fine line to drive slowly enough not to lose control while fast enough not to lose momentum. It's hard to get going again if you stop.
Mark found this book in a discount bin at Value Village for $3.99. It's the hardcover version and it's in really good condition. :) We already had Inkheart, and this is the sequel, so we're excited to read it.
The following is some random shots of spring in Regina.
I got my new Saskatchewan driver's license in the mail today. I've been driving with a temporary one the last little while. The new one has all kinds of security features, which are all cool, but my favourite part is the photo. It's a really good picture of me, the best driver's license photo I've ever seen.
We did nothing today, so I thought I'd share this cool thing I have in the bathroom that helps avoid certain fights that sometimes come up in marriages. It's so simple: just two pieces of plastic held together at the ends with elastics. You slip it onto the end of a tube of toothpaste, and slide it up as you use the tube, and it ensures that you use every last bit.
The past few days , we've had a bit more snow. I've been told that this is most snow Regina's had in years. Of course, the rest of Canada is getting more snow than usual too.
This is the pile in our backyard.
A view of the prairie from the road home from work.